Outfits I've Repeated: Spring/summer edition
Many times when I put together outfit posts, I write about how the outfit is worth repeating, but how many of the outfits I've shared here have I actually repeated? I decided to go through all of the outfits I've shared here and find the ones I've worn at least twice (with the help of my Stylebook app, of course). I had so many repeats that I decided to break them into two posts: a spring/summer edition and a fall/winter edition; I'll share the latter edition next fall.
The outfits are ordered from most worn to least worn and then in reverse chronological order. I wore the first outfit three times—first in spring 2014 and then again in the summer, prior to when I downloaded Stylebook. I ended up wearing it again last summer and adding it to my app. The rest of the outfits were worn after I downloaded Stylebook, and I wore them twice. Most of them were worn again after the post, but a few I loved so much when I wore them the first time that I repeated them so I could get blog photos! I even repeated one of the outfits that Chris put together for me last spring.
I appreciate when I put together outfits that I want to wear again and again. It's so nice to lay in bed in the mornings, scroll through my outfits, and pick one that is easy to wear (and that I love wearing, even more than once). :) Are you a fan of repeating entire outfits?
Worn three times: Summer bold
Worn two times: Little red dress / Dressing up the basics / #coldfront / Upstream / Central Park / My Spring/Summer '15 Signature Look / May showers / Sunburst & stripes / My boyfriend dressed me for a week / Sporty floral / The lighter side